Files Supported by SuperSign
Supported Video File Formats:
.avi, .wmv, .mp4, .mov, .mkv, .ts, .tp, .mpg, .mpeg, .flv
Supported Image File Formats:
.jpg, .bmp, .png.
Supported Image File Formats
.mp3, .wma, .wav
Supported Flash File Formats
Supported Document File Formats
.ppt, .xls, .doc, .pdf
● The maximum image size is 8,192 pixels (width or height). The total number of pixels should not exceed
● To register and play videos, the SuperSign Manager and SuperSign Player should have the required codec
Codec Package Installation
You need to install codecs if you want to upload or play videos.
If SuperSign Manager and SuperSign Player have different codecs installed, the player may not be able to play
content. Use the same type and same version of codecs in SuperSign Manager and SuperSign Player.
You may need different codecs depending on the video files.
You can download codec packages from the links below.
● http://www.codecguide.com
● http://shark007.net
● http://www.free-codecs.com
● Check if the package you downloaded has the required codec and install it.
● Install the same codec package in SuperSign Manager and SuperSign Player.
● Do not re-install the package if it is already installed.
● If you want to install another codec package, make sure that the one previously installed has been removed.
● Please check the site's instructions concerning the
codec license details.
● LG Electronics takes no responsibility for manag-
ing the above sites. Each site's content may
change without prior notice.