SuperSign Manager
SuperSign Manager
When SuperSign Manager starts, a log-in window ap-
pears as shown below.
If you are running SuperSign Manager for the first time,
you should create an ID and password you want to use.
Log in to SuperSign Manager by clicking the
ton. When you click the
button, your log-in will
be canceled, closing the program.
Starting SuperSign Manager
Open the program by clicking
Start > Programs > SuperSign Manager > SuperSign Manager
Starting SuperSign Manager
Logging In
● When SuperSign Manager is initially run, the default user ID is set as
, which you can
change later.
● You must remember the new ID and password you changed to, because they will be needed for the next log-in.
● If the password is lost, it cannot be restored. In that case, you will need to initialize the administrator account.
● To do this, enter
in the password field.
● Your ID and password can be up to 20 characters each.