Table 2-7-3 Meet-me Conference Configuration Settings
Room number
Meeting room number, e.g. 8000.
Arbitrary description info.
PIN to join
PIN for normal users to join the conference.
During a conference, a normal user has following options:
# to quit conference
*1 to mute/unmute
*9 to log in as the administrator if there is no administrator in
Administrator PIN
PIN for the administrator of the conference.
During a conference, the administrator has following options:
# to quit conference
*1 to mute/unmute
*2 to lock/unlock the conference
*3 to invite a user into the conference
*4 to drop a user from the conference
*5 to drop all users in the conference
*6 to drop the last invited user by *3
** to send DTMF digits to the last invited user by *3