8.3.3 Built-in humidifier
Integrated management of a Carel immersed electrode humidifier. The pCO1 boards manage all the
functions, from the reading of the humidifier parameters to the control of the devices (fill, drain, output) by
relay. The humidifier parameters (current, conductivity, level) are not read directly, but rather using an
elettronic card. The LCD display features screens for controlling the humidifier. The program controls the
steam output and the humidifier operating conditions based on the humidifier current and ambient humidity
signals; furthermore, it manages
and displays all states and alarms.
pCO1 can be connected with a local or remote supervisory PC, a GSM or traditional modem and the most
spread BMS (Modbus, Bacnet, Lonworks). To be used, the listed functions require the installation of optional
cards (Rs485, Rs232, LON) or Gateways (devices able to interpret different communication protocols).
9.1 Supervisor and bms
Advanced Control pCO - Local Area Network
Max. number of units: 8
- Master / Slave function:
the “master” unit temperature and humidity probes must be located in an “intermediate” position inside the
controlled environment. The “master” unit drives the logic to be adopted from all connected units. That’s
important to avoid situations like units in dehumidification and units in humidification at the same time and in
the same environment. The “Master” unit modifies the working logic in case the measured temperature or
humidity exceed the set point, even by few decimal points. In case of black-
out or “master” unit
disconnection from LAN network, the connected units start functioning independently based on the their own
probes only.
- Stand-by rotation activated by timing, time band or automatic on event.
- Stand-by rotation of 1 to N-1 unit (where N is the number of installed unit)
Remote Display
Local Area Network
Unit 1
With Local
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 8