Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
The address of the microprocessor can be read from the main screen in the lower right corner.
display with address 32
allows controlling all boards without requiring other displays or in addition to
the other displays; as a matter of fact, the program allows display with address 32 to access the parameters
of all connected boards, one by one. Passage among the boards can be executed by simply pushing button
4.2.3 LAN status
When starting the system, the LAN network could undergo some problems (failed boards and displays
displays start-up) due to improper electrical connections or to the fact that incorrect addresses have been
assigned. By means of a special screen, the LAN network state can be displayed in real time, thus
identifying which devices (boards and displays) are properly connected and addressed. To display the
special screen, push buttons Up-Down-Enter of any network display simultaneously for at least 10 sec. After
the first 5 seconds, a screen is displayed; continue for another 5 seconds until the following screen is
As it can be seen, network addresses from 1 to 32 are displayed, together with a symbol indicating if a
display (small rectangle) or a board / valve driver (big rectangle) is concerned. The dash indicates that the
board / display has incorrect address or is connected improperly. In case the symbols appear and disappear,
it means that LAN is unstable or, more probably, that repeated addresses are present. The number following
T indicates the address of the display being used. The example indicates that the network consists of one
boards or valves drivers with address 1 and of one display with address 25. After the screen is checked, if
there is some trouble cut network power off, verify connections and addresses and power the system again.
4.3 Software update
If is necessary a software update the boards shall be programmed by DOWNLOADING the application
program to the Flash buffer memory; this operation can be performed either using the hardware key or a
4.3.1 Program download from hardware key
To connect the key to the pCO1, proceed as follows:
1. Switch the
pCO1 off and remove the “expansion memory” cover using a screwdriver
2. Place the key selector on