3. Insert the key into the corresponding slot.
4. Press Up and Down together in the display and switch the board on.
5. Check that the red key LED comes on.
6. Wait until the upload request is displayed on the LCD, then release the buttons and confirm by pressing
Enter; the data transfer operation will take approximately 10 seconds.
7. Switch the pCO1 off, remove the key, place the cover in its original position and switch the board back on
8. The board will now work with the program transferred from the key.
4.3.2 Program download from computer
Use the the converter (RS232/RS485) and the WinLOAD 32 program, proceeding as follows:
1. Connect the converter (RS232/RS485) to the mains using the transformer provided in the kit.
2. Connect the converter to a free serial port on the PC, using the serial cable provided in the kit.
3. Connect the converter to connector J10 on the pCO1 using a telephone cable.
4. Install Winload, if Winload is not already installed on the PC.
5. Run WinLOAD32 on the PC, with the board off.
6. Enter in the number of the PC seri
al port in the field “COMM” (1 for COM1, 2 for COM2)
7. Enter “0” in the field “pCO ADD.”
8. Switch the board on.
9. Wait 30 seconds until the message “OFF LINE” becomes “ON LINE” in the WinLOAD32 program, in the
lower left, or until the yellow LED next to the dipswitch on the board starts flashing; now enter the actual
board LAN
address value in the field “pCO²
ADD”; a blue light in the Winload program, in the bottom centre
of the window, will start flashing.
10. In WinLOAD32, select “Upload” and then “Application”
11. Select the folder containing the application program source files.
12. Use CTRL to select a series of *.iup files, if needing to load a series of languages to the pCO1. Also
select the *.blb files (for non-LAN applications) or the flash1.bin file in the program being loaded (for LAN
13. Click “UPLOAD” to start the file download procedure, which will take approximately 1 to 5 minutes,
depending on the number of *.iup files selected and the size of the various files.
14. Wait u
ntil the message “Upload OK” appears in the progress bar
15. Disconnect the telephone cable between the board and converter; connect the external display (if
featured), then switch the board off and on again.
: if a LAN network with a series of boards is used, the program can be installed on the other boards
without repeating the operations: after installing the program on the first board, simply repeat steps from 8 to
14, entering the new board addres
ses each time in the field “pCO ADD” in the WinLOA
D32 program.
4.3.3 Restore the default parameters
Default parameters are the values assigned by manufacturer to the application program main operative
parameters. Parameters are assigned automatically when executing the DOWNLOAD operation as
described above. Pa
rameters indicate timing, set points, differentials, etc… (refer to the complete list of
default values).
After installing default values, the parameters must be modified following the special parameter list with the
specific parameter of the installed unit.
Operations to be carried out for default parameters manual installation:
1. Push buttons PRG + ESC keys and type the Manufacturer password, then push Enter.
2. By pushing button Down three times, move the cursor on “INI
ATION” (last row), then push
3. The parameters installation screen is displayed; to install, push ENTER and type the Manufacturer
we recommend extreme care since this operation deletes all the installed parameters from the
memory and replaces them by the default parameters
after this operation, parameters cannot be restored.
5. After pushing ENTER, message “PLEASE WAIT” is displayed for some seconds.
6. Switch off and then switch on the power supply.