Last Updated on Sep 2021
Under any circumstances, users are not allowed to make bookings on behalf of other
people. Users who have received training but are yet to gain access to microscopy
resource booking may approach TLL Bioimaging department for booking assistance if they
need to use it urgently.
If a user fails to show up within the first 30 minutes of their booking, the slot is forfeited
and is free for any user to use it.
If any users violate any of these Booking rules, users will be subjected to the 3 strikes
3.1 Acknowledgements
If you use the TLL Microscopy and Imaging facility and/or have been trained or assisted any of
the bioimaging facility members in your research, then this should be acknowledged
appropriately in your publications and presentations.
4. Operation Procedures
Every confocal system in TLL Bioimaging Facility has its specific instructional manual which are
found in every confocal rooms. Strictly adhere to the correct order of operation for all system.
Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action from the facility. Any issues encountered during
the operation of the system are advised to seek help from the Bioimaging facility.
Modification, exchange or removal of components beyond this operational manual is strictly
prohibited and is only carried out by the manufacturer, Bioimaging facility or by experienced
users approved by bioimaging facility. During operation of laser microscopy system, do not look
into the laser beam directly as they are all Class 3b and Class 4 lasers.
1st offence
A warning will be issued along with the reminder of the rules.
2nd offence
A second warning will be issued and your respective PI will be notified.
3rd offence
Banned from using any of the facility’s microscope for 2 weeks.