Cat. No(s).: 5 735 04/05
5 735 12/13
Arteor 4 and 6 touches glass controls
Technical data sheet: S000090563EN-2
Updated: 07/06/2016
Created : 27/07/2015
11. COMMUNICATION OBJECTS DESCRIPTION (continued) Shutter 1- input
Object name
1 (10, 19, 28)
1 (10, 19, 28, 37, 46)
Channel 1 (2,3,4)
Channel 1 (2,3,4,5,6)
Shutter Up/Down
1.008 DP_UpDown (1 bit )
The movement commands Up/Down are sent via the address linked with this object in order to raise/lower the solar protection.
7 (16, 25, 34)
7 (16, 25, 34, 43, 52)
Channel 1 (2,3,4)
Channel 1 (2,3,4,5,6)
Shutter Stop - slats
1.009 DP_OpenClose (1 bit )
The command “STOP” or “Slats OPEN/CLOSE” are sent via the group address linked with this object.
6 (15, 24, 33 )
6 (15, 24, 33, 42, 51)
Channel 1 (2,3,4)
Channel 1 (2,3,4,5,6)
Shutter Status
5.001 DP_Scaling (1 Byte)
The shutter status telegrams are received from the shutter actuator via the group address linked with this object.
Short push reaction
No reaction
Cyclical Up / Down + stop
Up + stop
Down + stop
Cyclical Up / Down
Open slats
Close slats
Here an adjustment is made to define which movement command is written into the storage cell of the communication object and sent after short
pressing the push button related to the channel.
“No reaction”: a short push does not change the object value and also does not send a telegram.
Cyclical Up / Down + stop : each short push transfers the following sequence command values into the communication object: Up, Stop, Down, Stop,
Up, Stop, Down, Stop,etc.
Up + stop : each short push transfers the following sequence command values into the communication object: Up, Stop, Up, Stop,,etc.
Down + stop : each short push transfers the following sequence command values into the communication object: Down, Stop, Down, Stop, etc.
Cyclical Up / Down: each short push transfers the following sequence command values into the communication object : Up, Down, Up,
Stop : a short push transfers into the communication object the stop command value (“1” or “0”)
Open slats: a short push transfers into the communication object the stop (open slats) command value (“0”)
Close slats: a short push transfers into the communication object the stop (close slats) command value (“1”)
Up: a short push transfers into the communication object the Up command (value “0”)
Down: a short push transfers into the communication object the Down command (value “1”)
Long push reaction
No reaction
Cyclical Up/Down
Cyclical Open/Close slats
Open slats
Close slats
Here an adjustment is made to define which movement command is written into the storage cell of the communication object and sent after long
pressing the push button related to the channel.
“No reaction”: a long push does not change the object value and also does not send a telegram.
Up: a long push send the Up command (value “0”)
Down: a long push sends the Down command (value “1”)
Cyclical Up / Down: each long push sends the following sequence commands: Up, Down, Up, Down,,etc.
Stop : a long push sends the stop command (value “1” or “0”)
Cyclical Open /Close slats : each long push sends the following sequence commands : Open slats, Close slats, Open slats, Close slats.