LAT Host Setup
The LAT characteristic has been
enabled on the service
Use the Show Service Local Characteristics command from
a network login.
LAT licensing
To use LAT you must obtain a LAT license from your dealer
or from Lantronix. Then use the Define Protocol LAT
License command on your Server.
The LAT symbiont is specified as the
queue process on the VMS host
Use the VMS command Show Queue/Full queue_name to
see the queue characteristics.
For DCPS: there is a bidirectional path
to the printer and the printer is locked
into PostScript mode
Lock the printer in PostScript mode and issue the Test Ser-
vice PostScript Count n command. This command sends a
job to the printer and waits for the response.
Table 9-3: Configuring LAT on VMS Host Using a Service, cont.
Area to check