Prepayment and Accounting Functions
Issue: 1.8
Page 45 of 69
E470 Tokenless Smart Prepayment Meter
© Gyr
ii. When running in emergency credit, Debt collection will increase the
Debt to Clear register and reduce any EC amount in the Present
Balance register.
8.11 Currency Conversion
The Meter allows for the above accounting function to be carried out in
A currency change request will be sent as a message from the system. The
message will contain:
Date when the conversion is to take place
Conversion factor
Currency to be converted to (£ or €).
At 00:00 on the requested conversion date the meter will multiply the
following registers by the conversion factor [conversion factor in the range
0.25 to 4]:
Present balance register
Arrears balance registers
Charge/kWh values
Standing charge
Arrears recovery rate
Emergency credit value
Emergency credit availability value.
Following conversion the meter will change the currency symbol used on
the display to the appropriate sign.
The meter will take a snapshot of readings before currency change,
kWh registers
Present balance register
Arrears balance registers
Total credit register.
When a Currency Conversion is implemented the Total Credit Register
shall be reset to zero.
Following a conversion the meter will treat any payment messages
received after the conversion date and time as in the new currency.