Meter Displays
Issue: 1.8
Page 51 of 69
E470 Tokenless Smart Prepayment Meter
© Gyr
9.8.4 TOU Energy Registers 1-4
Energy registers shall show 5 whole numbers with the option of 0, 1 or 2
decimal places, unless configured to 3 decimal places of testing purposes
via the optical port. The registers will roll over to zero after 99999.99.
R 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
To indicate the active rate, the register number will be flashed on the
appropriate rate register.
R 2
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
9.8.5 Total Energy Register
The total energy register displays the sum of rate 1 to 4 energy registers.
The register will roll over to zero after 99999.99.
The Total register will have the same 0,1 or 2 decimal place resolution as
the TOU energy registers.
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
9.8.6 kWh Charge (PPU) Register
Energy cost per kWh is shown in the kWh charge register. The register is
displayed in pence to two decimal places. The Pence/kWh legend is shown
in the bottom right hand corner.
Pence/ kWh
R 1
9 5 8
To indicate the current price energy is being charged at, the active rate
number will be flashed on the appropriate rate register.