VaPor FIre 200 aDD-on FILter Box
InStaLLatIon InStruCtIonS
1. Install the motorized air intake control box onto
the back air inlet throat.
2. To remove the bottom electrical box unscrew the
lock nut inside the junction box leaving the ½
inch conduit in place. Keep in mind that after the
installation of the filter box, the electrical box and
nut will go back to their original location.
3. Scribe a line on the back of the hood 26” up from
the floor.
4. Hold the filter box against the back of the stove
and at the same time run the 1/2” conduit through
the 7/8” hole located on the right hand corner on
top of the filter box.
5. Align the top of the filter box to the scribed line
which you had previously scribed on the back of
the stove, making sure that the filter box is aligned
equal distances from the sides and is centered
equally from side to side.
6. Through the pre-punched holes in the filter box,
scribe through these holes onto the back of the
stove hood. Drill these holes in the back of the
stove so the filter box can be screwed securely
to the hood.
Make Sure tHe HoLeS DrILLeD are tHe
CorreCt SIZe So tHat tHe SCreWS WILL
SeCureLy HoLD tHe Box.
7. Re-install securely the bottom electrical box in
the same location
which will not be in the up-
per right and corner InSIDe the filter box.
8. Install the blower gasket and blower to the back
of the stove using the bolts and nuts provided,
located in the back of the stove.
9. Install the incoming 120V power through the pre-
punched 7/8” hole on the filter box.
10. Wire the stove according to UL label as shown in
owner’s manual provided
11. Install the 14” x 20” filter that is provided.
CHeCk to Make Sure eVerytHInG IS In-
StaLLeD CorreCtLy BeFore LIGHtInG tHe
BOX 422 • TOWER, MN 55790 • USA • Tel (218) 753-2330 •
rISk oF FIre
Do not oPerate WItH FLue DraFt
exCeeDInG .06 InCHeS Water CoLuMn.
Do not oPerate WItH FueL LoaDInG or
aSH reMoVaL DoorS oPen.
Do not Store FueL or otHer
CoMBuStIBLe MaterIaL WItHIn MarkeD
InStaLLatIon CLearanCeS.
InSPeCt anD CLean FLueS anD CHIMney
SurFaCeS are Hot
keeP CHILDren aWay
Do not touCH DurInG oPeratIon