BOX 422 • TOWER, MN 55790 • USA • Tel (218) 753-2330 •
HoW to ConneCt tHe 8” Hot aIr outLet to
your exIStInG FurnaCe
1. Keep in mind that your add-on
kuuMa is de-
signed to blow it’s hot air into your existing oil
or gas furnace’s bonnet, which in turn, with it’s
larger blower then blows and distributes the hot
air throughout your house. The 465 CFM KUU-
MA blower and your furnace blower must be
controlled in such a way as to deliver the hot air
throughout your home.
2. Your KUUMA add-on should be located as close
to your existing furnace as allowed by
u.L. clear-
ances. Measure the required length of pipe and
then install an 8” back-draft damper in this pipe
so it is located somewhere between the add-on
and your furnace, then connect the 8” heat outlet
pipe from the KUUMA to somewhere close to the
center of your bonnet on the side closest to the
add-on. You should avoid having a long distance
between your KUUMA and your furnace, be-
cause you will lose a lot of heat the further apart
they are.
3. The function of the back-draft damper is that it
acts like a check valve, if the add-on isn’t blow-
ing the damper is closed and stops the regular
furnace from blowing it’s hot air into the add-on.
(If the oil or gas furnace continually pumps hot
air into the add-on it’s blower will become over-
heated and damaged – which you don’t want.
4. You should install another limit control switch in
your bonnet at approximately the same height as
to where the KUUMA duct enters the bonnet –
this is necessary so the control can accurately
activate the larger blower in your furnace. Ahead
of this limit switch you should install a manual on
and off switch so you can deactivate the blower
at any time you find it necessary. For example: in
mild weather you may only need the heat from
the KUUMA add-on
(See Below)
5. Approximate settings for the limit switch should
be 130 degrees on and 100 degrees off. If these
settings are incorrect you may have the blower
cycling on and off too quickly. You may need to
experiment to suit your needs.
Many of the suggestions are only estimates, for ev-
ery installation will vary. We strongly insist that above
anything else “safety issues come first”.
We strongly recommend that you have a licensed
electrician do any of your electrical work.
InStruCtIonS on ConneCtInG
tHe 6” StoVe PIPe
1. Use 24 ga. stove pipe and adjustable elbows.
2. Angle your stove pipes upward towards the chim-
ney smoke exit hole.
3. Install barometric damper provided.
avoid using 90 degree pipe bends unless it’s
one 90 degree and then straight up. Otherwise
try to use 45 degree elbows (approximate) to
maximize the draft.
5. Use sheet metal screw to attach all the pipes with
at least three screws evenly spaced around the
pipe and any joint.
6. Check and inspect pipes periodically for corro-
sion or any other defects.
SaFety SHouLD aLWayS Be nuMBer one.