1. Use only dry, seasoned wood that has been cut
and split and placed under cover to dry for 6 to 9
months. (25-30% moisture content). Hardwood
should be one year drying time to be seasoned.
2. Use 16” wood lengths. (Fire chamber is 18 ½”)
3. Never burn less than two (3-piece minimum, tri-
angle shaped) rows of wood, regardless of their
size. The reason for this that each log gives off
its heat to the adjoining log to sustain continuous
Do not start a fire in a cold fire chamber with ex-
cessive amounts of paper and kindling, because
the chimney is cold and lacks sufficient draft
causing the “chugging” effect that could produce
some puffing of smoke through your pipe joints.
5. Keep the front one-half (9”) of the fire chamber
free of grey ashes.
6. Always rake the hot coals forward from the back,
but leaving a space of 1 to 2 inches between the
front inside face and the hot coals.
7. Always burn down the coals if they are exces-
sive. When the coals have been raked forward,
the back half of the fire chamber floor should be
free of any hot coals. If the logs are added when
there are hot coals in the back, the logs will ignite
and burn from the back to the front, just opposite
from what it should be.
8. Whenever wood lengths are added to the fire
chamber, when there are some hot coals, make
sure that the front of the logs are in contact with
the hot coals so that the logs ignite.
9. Empty the ash pan when the fire chamber is cold
and dispose of them as recommended on page
10. Clean out your heat exchanger once or twice
each year to increase the heat transfer efficiency.
See Figure 26.
BOX 422 • TOWER, MN 55790 • USA • Tel (218) 753-2330 • www.lamppakuuma.com
runaWay FIre anD CHIMney FIre
CLoSe tHe DraFt IMMeDIateLy.
FueL LoaDInG anD aSH reMoVaL DoorS
are SHut.
CaLL FIre DePartMent.
you MuSt CHeCk your CHIMney FLue
PIPe ConneCtor FreQuentLy WHen
FIrSt StartInG to Burn WooD to
DeterMIne tHe aMount oF CHIMney
MaIntenanCe (CLeanInG) tHat WILL
Be reQuIreD. tHIS, oF CourSe, IS aLSo
DePenDent on WooD tyPe, MoISture,
anD, In GeneraL, HoW tHe FurnaCe IS
Figure 26