BOX 422 • TOWER, MN 55790 • USA • Tel (218) 753-2330 • www.lamppakuuma.com
reLoaDInG on Hot CoaLS
1. Open fire door.
*** Never load any logs when there is still some un-
burnt wood in the fire chamber, also refrain from
opening the fire door while the logs are burning.
2. Scrape the ashes through the grates as shown in
Figure 8 & 11.
3. Pull the hot coals from the back of the fire cham-
ber forward, but never closer than one inch from
the front inside face.
*** If the accumulation of coals is thicker than 4-5
inches (half way up the first row of bricks) pull
them forward, again leaving a space of one inch
between the coals and the front inside face. Close
the fire door and allow the coals to burn down to
the recommended level.
Don’t oPen tHe aSH
Pan Door to aCCoMPLISH tHIS.
4. Load the logs so that the face of the logs are 1
to 2 inches away from the front inside face, see
Figure 12.
5. Close the door – the electronic control automati-
cally monitors the fire.
6. Periodically inspect the primary air openings to
make sure that they are free and clear of any ash-
es. The long narrow slit between the two square
MuSt be kept clean. (see Figure 2)
Ashes should be placed in metal container with a tight
fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be
place on a non-combustible floor or on the ground,
well away from all combustible materials, pending fi-
nal disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in
the soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should
be retained in a closed container until all cinders have
thoroughly cooled.
CreoSote-ForMatIon anD
neeD For reMoVaL
When wood is burned slowly it produces tar and
other organic vapors, which combine with expelled
moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors con-
dense in the relatively cool chimney flue of a slow
burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumu-
lates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote
makes an extremely hot fire.
The chimney connector and chimney should be in-
spected at least twice monthly during the heating
season to determine if a creosote buildup has oc-
If creosote has accumulated, it should be removed to
reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
Figure 12
tHe LoGS Burn FroM tHe
Front to tHe BaCk.
1” - 2”
FroM tHe
Hot CoaLS