Lake Shore Model 340 Temperature Controller User’s Manual
Instrument Programming
Ramp Manual Output (MOut) Relative
Ramp the manual output (MOut) a specified difference (relative) from its present setting value. The setting is
in percent of full scale output which is normal for the manual output parameter. The ramp can be done at a
specified ramp rate or in a specified length of time. This instruction is used with the open loop temperature
control mode.
Deviation in Loop 1 control output set in percent of
full scale.
Hours to make output deviation (0 to 23).
Minutes to make output deviation (0 to 59).
Seconds to make output deviation (0 to 59).
Ramp rate in percent per minute (%/m) from 0 to
100 with 0.1 resolution.
Ramp time, ramp rate, and deviation are related. The instrument calculates a ramp rate based on
deviation and ramp time. If ramp time and rate are both zero, then the ramp is a step change. Control
During many experiments it may be necessary to change control parameters. This need is particularly great
when making large changes in temperature. Common control parameters can be set with this instruction. The
AutoTune control mode is not available during internal program operation. Setpoint units are not changeable,
the setpoint units parameter should be set to temperature before running an internal program.
Loop 1 control channel.
Loop 1 control mode.
P, I, D:
Loop 1 control parameters. Set with zone feature
if zone control mode is selected above.
Htr. Range:
Loop 1 heater output range. Set maximum
heater current before running an internal program. Digital
A Model 340 internal program can interact with experimental parameters other than temperature. The digital
outputs can be used to control outside events while a program is running. Using digital outputs in programs is
not available if external scanner operation is enabled.
Refer to Paragraph 7.2. Relays
A Model 340 internal program can interact with experimental parameters other than temperature. The high
and low relays can be used to control outside events while a program is running. Relays must be set to
Manual for operation.
High and low relays as described in Paragraph 7.4. Wait
Temperature control systems often need time for temperature control to stabilize or temperature gradients to
settle out. A Wait instruction is used in a program to add a time delay.
Hours taken for wait, set from 0 to 23.
Minutes taken for wait, set from 0 to 59.
Seconds taken for wait, set from 0 to 59.
For a fixed wait time, set the hours, minutes, and seconds parameters. The program will not proceed to the
next instruction until the wait time is over, but the temperature control functions will operate normally.
Ramp MOut Rel.>| Dev.: 0.00
| Hours: 0
|Minutes: 0
|Seconds: 0
| Rate: 0.00%/m
Parameters >| Channel: A
| P: 0.0
| I: 0.0
| D: 0
|Htr Range: OFF
Digital Output >|Setting: 00000
| 54321
Relays >|High: OFF
| Low: OFF
Wait >| Hours: 0
| Minutes: 0
| Seconds: 0