Lake Shore Model 340 Temperature Controller User’s Manual
Remote Operation
Visual Basic IEEE-488 Interface Program Setup
This IEEE-488 interface program works with Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) on an IBM PC (or compatible) with a
Pentium-class processor. A Pentium 90 or higher is recommended, running Windows 95 or better. It assumes
your IEEE-488 (GPIB) card is installed and operating correctly (refer to Paragraph Use the following
procedure to develop the IEEE-488 Interface Program in Visual Basic.
1. Start
2. Choose Standard EXE and select Open.
3. Resize form window to desired size.
4. On the Project Menu, select Add Module, select the Existing tab, then navigate to the location on your
computer to add the following files: Niglobal.bas and Vbib-32.bas.
5. Add controls to form:
a. Add three Label controls to the form.
b. Add two TextBox controls to the form.
c. Add one CommandButton control to the form.
6. On the View Menu, select Properties Window.
7. In the Properties window, use the dropdown list to select between the different controls of the current
10. Set the properties of the controls as defined in Table 9-1.
11. Save the program.