LaCie blue eye pro
Calibrating LaCie 300/500/700 Series Monitors
User Manual
page 29
Your ambient lighting conditions can influence the way you per-
ceive your monitor’s colors. If your ambient lighting is too intense
(for instance if your office’s windows are not shaded) the contrast
offered by your monitor may seem insufficient. If the ambient
light has a dominant chroma (for instance if your light bulbs have
a yellowish shade or if the walls of your office are painted with a
saturated color), you may have the impression that your monitor
also has a cast of the same color.
This is why ISO standard 6334 recommends that for color-criti-
cal work you make sure that your working environment’s Ambi-
ent Light is neutral (no color cast) and subdued (less than 64 lux
according to the standard). LaCie blue eye pro offers you an
easy way to analyze your Ambient Lighting conditions.
To perform this analysis, please select the Ambient Light Analysis
feature. On Apple Macintosh click on the
menu bar and
select the corresponding menu option. On Microsoft Windows
please right click the application bar and select the correspond-
ing menu option. This window, figure A, appears on your dis-
Please adjust the Ambient Light Diffuser on the LaCie blue eye
sensor and turn the sensor towards your office (back to the dis-
play), then click on the
The software will start analyzing the ambient lighting and will
display Illuminance and Color Temperature values. The ISO
3664 standard recommends an Ambient Light that offers less
than 64 lux Illuminance and has a neutral chroma. If you are
working with a D50 (5000°Kelvin) White Point Temperature set-
ting, for instance, it is recommended that your Ambient Light
have a Color Temperature near 5000 degrees Kelvin. If you
notice that either your Ambient light offers a higher Illuminance
or a non-neutral Color Temperature, it may be useful to adjust
your lighting until more standard values are attained. This can
be achieved by changing your light bulbs, turning off your office
lamps or reducing their intensity, shading any windows, and so
When you are satisfied with your Ambient Light Analysis, please
click on the
buttons. This will bring you back to
the main application window of LaCie blue eye pro.
5.7. Analyzing Your Ambient Lighting Conditions