la Pavoni
6 . 7
6 . 7
6 . 7
6 . 7
6 . 7
Light coffee dispensing
Light coffee dispensing
Light coffee dispensing
Light coffee dispensing
Light coffee dispensing
This type of dispensing is performed by utilising doses of pre-
ground cof fee man uall y intr oduced into the mac
hine thr ough
the pr e-g round cof fee slot (r ef.
, fig . 1). To the quantity thus
provided manually the machine autonomously adds a small
dose of g round cof fee; this pr ocedur e compensa
tes f or the
lesser quantity of
ground cof fee pr esent in the pr
e-pac ka ged
bags and improves the organoleptic qualities of the drink dis-
Briefly press (less than 1 sec.), the key
twice and
vel y, the displa
y will sho
intr oduce thr ough the pr
e-g round cof fee slot (r ef. 6, fig . 1),
the contents of
one dose of
pr e-g round cof fee;
press key
N.B.: Dispensing with pr
e-g round cof fee is pr ogramma ble onl y
for one dose.
6 . 8
6 . 8
6 . 8
6 . 8
6 . 8
Dispensing coffee in jug
Dispensing coffee in jug
Dispensing coffee in jug
Dispensing coffee in jug
Dispensing coffee in jug
This function allo
ws the dispensing of
mor e cof fees (pr ogram-
mable) in a single container (such as a jug).
By pressing key
1 to 8 times, as many consecutive
dispensing instances as requested, up to a maximum of 2,5
litres of coffee.
Position the jug under the dispenser (ref.
21 , fig. 1).
Briefly press (less than 1 sec.) key
for as many
times as the number of instances to be dispensed.
The display will show
“JUG X …”
with the number of
programmed dispensing instances;
press key
to confirm and start the cycle;
the machine will supply the dispensing instances program-
med and the display will show the icon of a jug being filled
with the number of instances already dispensed.
having completed the dispensing, the display will show
if the cycle has to be stopped before the preset time it will
be suf ficient to either pr
ess the jug k
ey or an y cof fee k eys .
Once the desired quantity has been set, it must be
confirmed by pressing the
button within 10 seconds,
otherwise data are not saved.
The electronic control of the machine automatically
mana ges the doub
le cof fee dispensing c
ycle to r educe to the
minimum the time taken.
Example: by programming 5 dispensing instances, the electro-
nic contr
ol will set up dispensing f
or 2 doub le cof fees plus a
single one.
War ning: after 1 jug dispensing a
t full dosa
ge (a ppr ox.
2 litres) it is necessary to pause for 2 minutes to allow the
machine standard conditions restoration.
6 . 9
6 . 9
6 . 9
6 . 9
6 . 9
Coffee with a dash of milk
Coffee with a dash of milk
Coffee with a dash of milk
Coffee with a dash of milk
Coffee with a dash of milk
dispensing (BAR AT EC)
dispensing (BAR AT EC)
dispensing (BAR AT EC)
dispensing (BAR AT EC)
dispensing (BAR AT EC)
This drink consists of freshly ground and freshly brewed cof-
fee dispensed b
y the cof fee dispensing unit,
to w hic h a dash
of warm milk is added by the cappuccino dispensing unit.
Insert the milk supply tube (ref.30, fig. 1) into the milk con-
tainer .
Pr ess the
k ey.
will a ppear on the di-
spla y.
During the dispensing process “PREBREWING” will appear
on the displa
y, if acti vated b y the men u (see the Instr
and Maintenance manual of the MODULAR machine), while
to the side of this an icon will appear showing a container
being filled.
When dispensing finishes “READY FOR USE” will appear on
the displa y.
6 . 1 0
6 . 1 0
6 . 1 0
6 . 1 0
6 . 1 0
Cappuccino dispensing
Cappuccino dispensing
Cappuccino dispensing
Cappuccino dispensing
Cappuccino dispensing
This drink consists of frothed milk dispensed by the CAPPUC-
CIN ATORE dispensing unit to w
hic h fr eshl y g round and fr
shl y br ew ed cof fee is ad ded b y the cof fee dispensing unit.
Insert the milk supply tube (ref.30, fig. 1) into the milk con-
tainer .
Pr ess the
k ey.
“CAPPUCCINO” will appear on the display;
Regulate the quality of froth to be dispensed (see 6.16
Froth regulation) using the pin(ref.26, fig. 1).
During the dispensing process “PREBREWING” will appear
on the displa
y, if acti vated b y the men u, w hile to the side of
this an icon will appear showing a container being filled.
When dispensing finishes “READY FOR USE” will appear on
the displa y.