la Pavoni
fig. 9
It strongly suggested that the machine be supplied with
water treated through a descaling device, especially
in cases of water with a high content of calcium and
magnesium salts (hard water).
5 . 2
5 . 2
5 . 2
5 . 2
5 . 2
Insertion of Nation key
Insertion of Nation key
Insertion of Nation key
Insertion of Nation key
Insertion of Nation key
Operation falling within the competence of the
Maintenance technician.
The “nation key” contains the following data:
Langua ge sho wn on displa
Setting of software according to the Country where the
machine is utilised.
The machine WILL NOT operate without the “nation
key”, so it is important to see to this operation.
The machine will only accept a single insertion of the
“nation key”.
To inser t the na tion k ey it is necessar
y tha t the f ollo wing
operations be performed:
Disconnect electrical po
Dismantle the left-hand side panel (ref. 1, fig. 1) and the
glass (ref. 2, fig. 1).
Inser t the k ey (r ef. A, fig . 9) into the connector (r
ef. B , fig .
9) of the electronic board.
Re-assemble the glass and the side panel..
5 . 3
5 . 3
5 . 3
5 . 3
5 . 3
First switching on
First switching on
First switching on
First switching on
First switching on
Fill the cof
fee hopper (r
ef. 7, fig . 1) with the selected cof-
fee bean blend.
Make sure that the coffee beans don’t contain foreign
bodies (pebbles, metallic elements or whatever) which
could damage the grinders.
Mak e sur e tha t the all mac
hine’ s r emo vable components
(ref. 15 and 17, fig. 1) are in place and that the front door is
closed (ref. 13, fig. 1).
On the contr
ar y, w hen the mac
hine s witc hes on, the di-
splay (ref. 8a, fig. 1) will show which of the components is
at fault.
Connect the machine to the mains (either by setting the
all-pole switch to “I” or by plugging).
Switch machine on by way of the main switch (ref. 10, fig.
The displa y will sho w messa ge “HEA TING WAIT”.
When the display shows “READY FOR USE”, it will be
necessary to:
Position the dispenser (ref. 23 and 24, fig. 1) so as to obtain
a height suita
ble f or the container
s in use (see “4.3 Cof
dispenser unit”).
Position one or tw
o container
s under the dispenser
Press the key corresponding to the type of drink selected.
Even though initially all keya are programmed with
standard values, it is necessary to check that the drink
dispensed corresponds with the desired
characteristics. If this is not the case, set again the
dispensing keys (see “6.14 Programming of dispensing
5 . 4
5 . 4
5 . 4
5 . 4
5 . 4
Serial port connection
Serial port connection
Serial port connection
Serial port connection
Serial port connection
Operation falling within the competence of the
Maintenance technician.
Beside the “nation key” connector the RS 232 serial port (ref.
C, fig. 9) is found.
Through this serial port it is possible to connect the machine
to the de vices and equipment de
plo yed b y the AUTHORISED
SERVICE CENTRES f or tests and pr
ogramming oper
ations .