Program Mode
Selecting Programs
Selecting Programs
When you are in Program Mode, there are a few ways to select Programs.
• To select a Program in the current Category, use the Alpha Wheel or the Next and
Previous buttons.
• To select a Program in a different Category, press the Category button of choice and
then use the Alpha Wheel or the Next and Previous buttons.
• To select the default Program from a Category, simply press the relevant Category
• To browse saved user Programs, press the User button, then use the Alpha Wheel
or the Next and Previous buttons. Press the User button again to stop viewing only
user Programs, or press a Category button or use keypad mode to enter a factory ID
• The Alpha Wheel and the Next and Previous buttons allow you to advance through
the Programs one at a time. When you reach the end of the Category, advancing
further will go the the next Category.
• If a Program is assigned to a Favorite Button, pressing that button will go directly to
the assigned Program.
• To select a Program by ID number, press the Keypad Button so that its LED lights.
Use the numbers on the Category buttons to enter an ID number, then press the
Enter button. In Keypad mode the list of Programs is sorted by ID number only,
instead of by Category and ID. Using the Alpha Wheel or Previous/ Next buttons
will select the previous or next used Program ID, regardless of category. Press the
Keypad Button again to return to Category selection.