Getting Started
Selecting Multis
To play a Multi, simply press the Multi Mode Button and the Multi Mode Button LED will
light. Use the Alpha Wheel or Previous/Next Buttons to browse Multis, or enter a Multi ID
number by using the Category buttons as a numeric keypad. Multis are not categorized, so
the Keypad button’s LED is always lit in Multi Mode and the Category buttons will always
function as a numeric keypad.
User Programs and Multis
In Program or Multi Mode, press the User button to view User edited Programs or Multis that
you have saved or loaded to the Forte. The LED on the User button will light, you can then
use the Alpha Wheel or Previous/Next buttons to scroll through only user Programs or Multis.
Press the User button again to stop viewing only user Programs or Multis, or press a Category
button or use keypad mode to enter a factory ID number.
Controller Info
The Sliders, Wheels, Pedals and Switches can control each of the factory Programs and Multis,
to produce variations to the sound. When one of these controls is used the Forte LCD will
display information about the parameter that control is assigned to. Don’t forget to try out
these controls as you explore the factory sounds on the Forte.
The Forte also features Favorites Buttons to quickly recall your favorite sounds. The Favorites
buttons store a set of 10 Programs and/or Multis. To assign the currently selected Program or
Multi to a Favorites button, press and hold the desired Favorites button for a few seconds until
the display indicates that the Favorite has been saved. To recall a Favorite Program or Multi,
simply press one of the Favorites buttons. The Favorites buttons will work from whichever
mode you are currently in, changing to Program Mode or Multi Mode automatically if required.
To view the names of Programs and Multis stored as favorites, press the View soft button until
you see the Favorites listed at the bottom of the display. See “Favorites View and Favorites
Banks” on page 6-9 for details.