Storage Mode
The LOAD Page
Pressing LOAD
Press the LOAD button when you have the hardware containing your User Programs/Multis
plugged into the USB port.
If no USB connection is detected by Forte, you will see the error message “Error: No valid
device inserted.”.
Use the cursor buttons, -/+ buttons or the Alpha Wheel to browse the files in the currently
selected storage device.
You can press the Open soft button to browse within a selected folder, or to browse
individual objects within a selected Kurzweil object file (see the Compatible Files section
below for details).
When browsing individual objects within a Kurzweil object file, you can select one or
multiple individual objects to load. Objects within a Kurzweil file are shown in a list and
grouped by object type. The object that is currently highlighted in red can be selected or
deselected for loading by pressing the “Select” soft button. An asterisk (*) appears next to
selected objects.
After selecting a file or individual objects to load, press the FILL or OVWRTE soft button to