Program Edit Mode
Program Pages
Intonation Key
The Intonation Key parameter works just like the Global mode Int Key parameter, except
the Intonation Key parameter on the Program Common page only applies to the current
program. (The Global Mode Int Key parameter applies to all programs.) The Intonation Key
parameter on the Program Common page allows you to set a different Intonation Key for
each program. See “Int. Key (Intonation Key)” on page 10-9 for more details on intonation
When the Monophonic parameter is set to “Off”, the current edited program is
polyphonic—it can play up to 128 notes at a time (or fewer notes at a time if each note plays
multiple layers).
When the Monophonic parameter is set to “On”, the program will play only one note at
a time, and the Legato parameter and the four Portamento parameters will appear on the
Program Common page. Only monophonic programs can use Legato and Portamento. The
Monophonic, Legato and Portamento parameters are not available for KB3 programs.
The Legato parameter is only available when the Monophonic parameter is set to “On”. The
Legato parameter is useful for emulating legato techniques of various acoustic instruments.
When the Legato parameter is set to “On”, a played note will trigger a new amplitude
envelope only if no other notes in the program are being held. Notes played while other
notes are being held will use the previously triggered amplitude envelope of the first note that
was played.
The Portamento parameter is only available when the Monophonic parameter is set to “On”.
When the Portamento parameter is set to “On”, notes played in a monophonic Program can
glide from the pitch of the previously played note to the pitch of the currently played note.
Portamento is often used in synthesizer lead sounds, or to mimic acoustic instruments like
violin and bass, where a pitch glide is achieved by sliding a finger along a vibrating string.
See Portamento Rate (below) to set the Portamento glide speed, and Attack Portamento
(below) to set the way that Portamento responds to played notes. See the Mono Sample
XFade parameter (below) to improve the sound of Portamento in programs that use multiple