Global Mode
MAIN1 Page
FX Mode
The FX Mode parameter determines how the Forte responds to interrupts with regards to
effects. You can set this parameter to either Performance or Multitrack.
With FX Mode set to Performance, the Forte minimizes disruption of existing effects
when changing Programs, and entry values will not disrupt sustained notes when changing
Programs in Program Mode. When controlling the Forte from an external sequencer in
Program Mode, setting FX Mode to Multitrack will minimize effect disruption.
The Display parameter allows you to change the way that Programs and Multis are displayed
on the Program and Multi Mode main pages by selecting one of three different “views”. The
default is “Large” view, which displays the Program or Multi name with large text, along with
the category name and background image. “Favorites” view is the same as Large view, plus
the names of 10 favorite Programs and/or Multis are shown at the bottom of the display.
“List” view displays the current Program or Multi as a selected item in a scrollable circular list
that shows the next and previous Programs or Multis. “Large” and “Favorites” views can also
show controller assignments and values when a controller is moved (Sliders, Switch buttons,
Wheels, and Pedals). See “Show Controllers” below for details.
If Favorites view is selected and the Global Mode User Type parameter has been set to
Advanced, you can use the Channel/Zone buttons in Program and Multi Mode to scroll
through 16 banks of 10 Favorite Programs and/or Multis, allowing you to save and access
160 Favorites. With these settings, Program and Multi mode will show the current Favorites
Bank number in the upper right hand corner of the screen instead of the current MIDI
Show Controllers
When “Large” or “Favorites” view is selected for the Display parameter (see above), the
Program and Multi Mode main pages can briefly show controller assignments and values
when a controller is moved (Sliders, Switch buttons, Wheels, and Pedals). Set this parameter
to “Yes” to briefly show controller assignments when a controller is moved, or set it to “No”
to hide controller assignments.
Auto Power Off
The auto power off parameter turns the power saving feature on. When the Auto Power Off
parameter is set to On, the Forte will automatically power off after the Power Off Time has
expired, from the last key press (physical or MIDI), button press, controller movement, or
USB MIDI activity.