FXAlg #999: Stereo Analyze
Algorithm Reference-179
By inverting one channel with respect to the other, you can hear what is characterized as Òphasey-nessÓ. Usually in
stereo recordings, you can localize the phantom image of sound sources somewhere between the two loudspeakers.
With a phasey signal, the localization cue get mixed up and you may hear the sound coming from everywhere or
within your head. Polarity reversals are provided in this algorithm so you can test for mistakes, or simply for
L In Gain
The input gain of the left channel in decibels (dB).
R In Gain
The input gain of the right channel in decibels (dB).
L Invert
When set to on, the polarity of the left channel is reversed.
R Invert
When set to on, the polarity of the right channel is reversed.
L Out Mode
Determines which signal is to be metered (left meter) and passed to the left output.
Choices are ÒLÓ (left), ÒRÓ (right), Ò(L+R)/2Ó (normalized sum), Ò(L-R)/2Ó (normalized
difference), and polarity-inverted versions of these.
R Out Mode
Determines which signal is to be metered (right meter) and passed to the right output.
Choices are ÒLÓ (left), ÒRÓ (right), Ò(L+R)/2Ó (normalized sum), Ò(L-R)/2Ó (normalized
difference), and polarity-inverted versions of these.
L/R Delay
If this parameter is positive, the left signal is delayed by the indicated amount. If it is
negative, the right channel is delayed. You can use this parameter to try to improve
cancellation of the difference signal if you suspect one channel is delayed with respect to
the other.
RMS Settle
RMS Settle controls how fast the RMS meters can rise or fall with changing signal levels.
Units are decibels per second (dB/s).
L In Gain
Off, -79.0 to 24.0 dB
R In Gain
Off, -79.0 to 24.0 dB
L Invert
In or Out
R Invert
In or Out
L Out Mode
R Out Mode
L/R Delay
-500.0 to 500.0 samp
RMS Settle
0.0 to 300.0 dB/s
Peak (-dBFS)
55 40 * 16 8 4 0
55 40 * 16 8 4 0