FXAlg #908: Pitcher
Algorithm Reference-133
The relative amount of input signal and effected signal that is to appear in the Þnal effect
output mix. When set to 0%, the output is taken only from the input (dry). When set to
100%, the output is all wet.
Out Gain
The overall gain or amplitude at the output of the effect.
The fundamental pitch imposed upon the input. Values are in MIDI note numbers.
Ptch Offst
An offset from the pitch frequency in semitones. This is also available for adding an
additional continuous controller mod like pitch bend.
Odd Wts, Pair Wts, Quartr Wts, Half Wts
These parameters control the exact shape of the frequency response
of Pitcher. An exact description of what each one does is, unfortunately, impossible,
since there is a great deal of interaction between them. For examples, examine the
Þgures above.
0 to 100%wet
Out Gain
Off, -79.0 to 24.0 dB
C-1 to G9
Ptch Offst
-12.0 to 12.0 ST
Odd Wts
-100 to 100%
Quartr Wts
-100 to 100%
Pair Wts
-100 to 100%
Half Wts
-100 to 100%