FXAlg #734: D Rotary
Algorithm Reference-112
When set to ÒInÓ, the algorithm is active; when set to ÒOffÓ the algorithm is bypassed.
Out Gain
The overall gain or amplitude at the output of the effect. For distortion, it is often
necessary to turn the output gain down as the distortion drive is turned up.
Dist Drive
Applies a boost to the input signal to overdrive the distortion algorithm. When
overdriven, the distortion algorithm will soft-clip the signal. Since distortion drive will
make your signal very loud, you may have to reduce the Out Gain as the drive is
A lowpass Þlter in the distortion control path. This Þlter may be used to reduce some of
the harshness of some distortion settings without reducing the bandwidth of the signal.
Cabinet HP
A hipass Þlter to simulate the band-limiting of a speaker cabinet. The Þlter controls the
lower frequency limit of the output.
Cabinet LP
A lowpass Þlter to simulate the band-limiting of a speaker cabinet. The Þlter controls the
upper frequency limit of the output.
The frequency at which high and low frequency bands are split and sent to separate
rotating drivers.
For details on the rest of the parameters see the previous section (FXAlg #733) of this book.