Tube Amp/Distortion/Delay Combinations
Algorithm Reference-102
The cabinet can by switched on or off with the Cab In/Out parameter. The Cab Pan parameter adjusts the final pan
position of the cabinet at the output of the algorithm, but this does not affect the cabinet signal fed into the final
stereo flange or chorus. If Ch Wet/Dry or Fl Wet/Dry is set to 100%, this pan control will not have any audible affect
since the entire output of the cabinet is fed into the flange or chorus instead of the algorithm output.
At the end of the chain is either a chorus or a flange controlled by parameters beginning with ÒChÓ or ÒFlÓ
respectively. The chorus and flange have mono inputs and stereo outputs. Each is a standard KDFX single tap dual
channel chorus (see FXAlg #150) or flange (see FXAlg#154) with independent controls for left and right channels
found in many other 1-PAU combination algorithms. The Ch Wet/Dry or Fl Wet/Dry control determines the final
output mix of the algorithm. When set at 0%, only the cabinet simulator output is fed to the output of the algorithm.
At 100%, only the output of the chorus or flange is heard. Left/right balance specifically for the chorus or flange can
be adjusted with the Out Bal control.
In addition, there is a generic monaural moving delay segment. Its parameters begin with the letters ÒMDÓ. The
moving delay is flexible enough that it can serve as a chorus, flange, or straight delay. For more detailed
information, refer to the section describing the Dual MovDelay and Quad MovDelay algorithms (FXAlgs #715-716).
As implemented in these four algorithms, it can be inserted either before the tone controls (PreDist), or after the
distortion drive (PostDist), or bypassed altogether. This is selected with the MD Insert parameter. Also provided is
the MD Wet/Dry parameter that mixes the output of the moving delay circuit with its own input to be fed into the
next effect in the chain.
TubeAmp<>MD>Chor with moving delay inserted PreDist
Input Bal
MD Wet/Dry
Ch Wet/Dry
Ch Out Bal
Out Gain
L Output
R Output
L Input
R Input