General description
Designated use
Use the control system only for spreaders manufactured by Kugelmann
Maschinenbau e.K.
Use the control system only with the plug-and-socket connections provided for this
purpose and with the respective original cables.
Any kind of use that deviates from the procedure set forth herein is considered
contrary to its designated use. The operator of the control system is liable for any
damages arising from such action.
Use and reconditioning of the control system may only be carried out by trained and
competent personnel.
To operate the equipment within the limits of its designated use, please note the
These operating instructions as well as all other enclosed documentation.
The relevant accident prevention regulations.
The generally recognised rules relating to technical safety requirements and
occupational health.
The operating instructions of the carrier vehicle.
Obvious misuse
It is not allowed to operate machines with the control system which were not
designed and manufactured by Kugelmann Maschinenbau e.K.
Do not use or store the control system outside or uncovered.
The control system shall not be used as handle.