If any abnormality is found during routine daily inspections, discontinue
centrifuge operation, use the "POWER" switch to turn the machine OFF,
disconnect the power cable, attach "DO NOT USE" labels to the rotor and the
outside of the centrifuge, and contact your nearest dealer to request a centrifuge
inspection before resuming operation of the equipment.
If the centrifuge is used after discovering any abnormality, an accident could
occur, possibly leading to serious damage or accidents involving physical injury.
Action taken
Check whether the rotor knob
and rotor locking nut are
properly tight.
Retighten, if either of these is loose. For details, refer
to "Mounting the Rotor" in the rotor instruction
Refer to Section 6.
To inspect, mount buckets on
the swinging bucket rotor
when it is stopped, and lift up
the buckets manually.
If the buckets do not move smoothly and freely, clean
the bucket grooves and trunnion pins of the rotor yoke
using alcohol. Contact your local dealer and make an
appointment for an authorized inspection if these
parts fail to operate smoothly even after lubricant has
been applied.
Refer to Page 4-5.
Check carefully for any
cracks, evidence of corrosion,
rust or deformation on the
rotor and buckets.
Do not use the rotor or buckets if any cracks,
corrosion, rust or deformations are found. Contact
your local dealer for an inspection.
Check that no foreign material
or water is present in the
Remove any foreign material or water before
operating the centrifuge.
Check that the lid is hook.
If the lid lock does not work, discontinue operation of
the centrifuge. Contact your nearest dealer for a
centrifuge inspection.
Check that the screws fixing
the lid hinges are not loose.
If the screws fixing the lid hinge are loose or have
been removed, the lid may come off when the buckets
are thrown off and the broken pieces may cause injury
to the persons in the vicinity of the centrifuge. If the
lid hinge is not fixed firmly, stop centrifuge
operation. Stop operation promptly
and contact your
local dealer for inspection.
Check the nut of the trunnion
pin (RMP-23
is not
If the trunnion pin is loosened, contact your local
dealer for inspection.
Check that the grounding wire
is correctly connected.
Refer to Page 2-3.
Check that all knobs,
displays, lamps and switches
operate correctly.
If any do not operate correctly, contact your local
dealer for an inspection.
Refer to Page 1-1 and 1-2.
Check that the centrifuge is
placed horizontally.
Refer to page 2-1.
Section 4
Daily Inspection