Pos : 22.8 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 2/A-E/Ar beitsei ns atz @ 5\mod_1213258631763_78.doc @ 87907
Using the Machine for Work
Pos : 22.9 /BA/Sicher heit/Gefahr enhinweis e/Vors ätz e/Absenken des Vorsatzes @ 15\mod_1232708075710_78.doc @ 176250
Lowering the machine into working position
Effect: Danger to life, injuries or damage to the machine.
Do not lower the machine until you are absolutely sure that neither
persons, animals nor objects are in the swivel range of the machine.
Keep persons out of the danger zone. If persons do approach the
danger zone, turn off the machine immediately.
Never leave the machine running unsupervised.
Check the safety devices each time before the machine is used. Replace
damaged safety devices immediately.
Do not work on the front attachment until the engine has been stopped
and the ignition key has been removed. All operating levers should be
in the neutral position and no hydraulic lines should be under pressure.
Always check the attachment before use and after driving into an
obstacle. Worn, damaged or deformed blades must be replaced
immediately. This also applies to holders.
Do not switch on the drive until the front attachment is in the working
Pos : 22.10 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/T ype F X ( 30,40,50) T ype FR 90 @ 17\mod_1235728539480_78.doc @ 200734
Type FX (30,40,50), type FR 90
Pos : 22.11 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/Warnung Drehzahl veränderung Vari ante FR 90 @ 17\mod_1235656128118_78.doc @ 200523
Moving the PTO shafts on the change-over gearbox changes the speed.
Effect: Damage to the machine
The speed setting for the EasyCollect 6000 FP is preset in the factory (to a
transmission ratio of 1:1) and must not be changed by moving the PTO shafts
on the change-over gearbox.
Pos : 22.12 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165
Summary of Contents for EasyCollect 6000 FP
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