Start-up - New Holland
Pos : 18.69 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/H ydr auli k/Beleuc htung anschli eßen Bild NewH olland @ 16\mod_1233295940847_78.doc @ 181730
Fig. 46:
Pos : 18.70 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/Ac htung U nfall- und Besc hädigungsgefahr! Hydrauli kleitung @ 15\mod_1232700232445_78.doc @ 175771
Danger of accident and damage!
Place hydraulic hoses (1) and electrical connection line (2,3) on the maize
header (4).
Pos : 18.71 /BA/Bedienung /Vorsätze/Maisgebiss /Hinweis System druc kl os sei n @ 15\mod_1232954472520_78.doc @ 176862
Before disconnecting the hydraulic hoses (1), depressurise the system on
both sides.
Pos : 18.72 /BA/Bedienung /Vorsätze/Maisgebiss /Abbau T 2 T ext Eas yC ollecc t 6000 FP CLAAS/JohnDeere/NewH olland @ 16\mod_1233220461735_78.doc @ 180306
Disconnect the hydraulic lines (1) at the hydraulic couplings and close off with dust caps.
Pull off the lighting cable (2).
Pos : 18.73 /BA/Bedienung /Vorsätze/Maisgebiss /NewH olland/Abbau T 3 Bild/Text Eas yC ollecct 6000 F P N ewH olland @ 16\mod_1233296434863_78.doc @ 181799
Fig. 47:
Pull the PTO shaft (2) down from the drive journal of the forage harvester gearbox.
Pos : 18.74 /BA/Bedienung /Vorsätze/Maisgebiss /NewH olland/Abbau T 4 Bild/Text Eas yC ollecct 6000 F P N ewH olland @ 16\mod_1233296576691_78.doc @ 181822
Summary of Contents for EasyCollect 6000 FP
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