Start-up - New Holland
Pos : 18.59 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/T ype FR 90 @ 16\mod_1235641370134_78.doc @ 199720
Type FR 90
Pos : 18.60 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/H ydr auli k/Beleuc htung anschli eßen Bild NewH olland FR @ 17\mod_1235719979667_78.doc @ 200608
Fig. 44:
Pos : 18.61 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/M aisgebiss/N ewH olland/H ydr aulisc her Sc hnell kuppl er/Beleuc htung ansc hließ en NewH olland T yp_FR @ 17\mod_1235720049433_78.doc @ 200658
The maize header is equipped with a hydraulic quick connector.
Connect the hydraulic quick connector (1) to the connection provided for this purpose on
the forage harvester.
Secure the hydraulic quick connector (1) with the lever (5).
Connect the lighting cable (2) to the socket.
Pos : 18.62 /BA/Inbetri ebnahme/Vors ätz e/X-Disc 6200/Ankuppeln/Hinweis BA Fel dhäc hsl er beachten @ 15\mod_1232705243570_78.doc @ 175980
Other adjustments for operating the maize header are described in the
"Forage Harvester" operating instructions
Pos : 18.63 /BA/-----Seitenumbruc h------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165
Summary of Contents for EasyCollect 6000 FP
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