Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
MAX HS-T (maximum temperature of the heat
Protects individual heat generators in the cascade from
overheating /
prevents triggering LIMITER (limiter value).
This parameter is used to set a temperature at which the
different boilers switch themselves off, or - in the case of
modulating heat generators - modulate themselves down.
The boilers are switched on again if they drop below this
temperature by 5K
The temperature selected for MAX T-HS must be
higher than the maximum header temperature.
DYN UPWARD (dyn. heat generator connection [K])
Small value = fast connection
Large value = slow connection
Values set too low can lead to overheating or short-
term connection of a heat generator.
Calculation: If the cumulative system deviation in Kelvin
reaches the set value A, this results in connection of all
heat generator stages.
DYN DOWNWARD (dynamic heat generator
deactivation [K])
Small value = fast deactivation
Large value = slow deactivation
Values set to high can lead to overheating and
triggering the STB
Calculation: If the cumulative system deviation in Kelvin
reaches the set value A, this results in deactivation of all
heat generators.
RESET TIME (resetting time for I-Controller)
Control value: Changing this value can cause the
control system to overshoot. The recommended default
settings should be retained.
Small values cause the mixer motor to adjust quickly
and can lead to oscillation.
If this modulation degree is exceeded the next heat
generator in sequence is connected after the delay time
If values drop below this modulation degree the last heat
generator of the current sequence is switched off.
Connection of the next heat generator will only occur, if the
resulting modulation degree for the different heat
generators then exceeds the value set here.
=> For optimum operation with maximum number of
burners: MODULAT MAX = 0 and MIN MIN MOD HS set to
minimum modulation degree for heat exchanger stages.