Part 3: General function description
The function stops when the outside temperature
increases to 1K above the frost protection temperature
Boiler frost protection
Boiler frost protection is activated when the boiler
temperature drops below 5°C. The boiler is switched on
until the boiler temperature exceeds the "MINIMUM
Flow or storage tank sensor frost protection
The sensor frost protection is activated when the flow or
storage tank temperature drops below 7°C. Only the
relevant pump is switched on.
The sensor frost protection is deactivated when the flow or
storage tank temperature increases to above 9°C.
Frost protection via room sensor
If the room temperature drops below 5°C the frost
protection function is activated.
The room temperature setting for the relevant heating
circuit is set to 5°C. The heating circuit is enabled:
the pumps are switched on
the heat request is sent to the boiler
eBUS burner controls
The controller supports the operation of burner controls via
the implemented eBUS. The unit is connected by means of
the connector VII (FA eBUS).
Heat request: Controller => Burner / FA
05h07h [in data byte 7 = Process water desired value the
burner must not interpret bit 7] additionally
Data/Status: Burner/FA => Controller
Requirements for operation:
The burner control unit (FA) must transmit a valid eBUS
The eBUS supply must be activated if the burner does not
also supply the BUS => Expert/System (tap without
information => Test function with and without eBUS
EEPROM check
Every 10 minutes, a check is conducted automatically in
order to establish whether the settings of the controller lie
within the specified limits. If a value is found to be out-of-
range, it is substituted by the related default value. The
range transgression is indicated by the blinking
and the
error number 81.