Role Transition count 0
Ring State Transition count 1
Ring ID is optional. If the ring ID is typed, this command will only
display the information of the target Ring.
show erps
Switch# show erps
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ITU-T G.8032)
Version : v1
Ring State : Disabled
Node State : Disabled
Node Role : Ring Node
Control Cahnnel : VLAN 1
Ring Port 1 : fa1 is Link Down and Blocking
Ring Port 2 : fa2 is Link Down and Blocking
RPL Port : Ring Port 2
WTR Timer : period is 1 minutes, timer is not running,
remains 0 ms
Guard Timer : period is 100 ms, timer is not running,
remains 0 ms
R-APS(SF) : sent 0, received 0
R-APS(NR,RB) : sent 0, received 0
R-APS(NR) : sent 0, received 0
Node State Transition count 0
Configure ERPS
Switch(config)# erps
enable Start the Multiple Super Ring for the switch
disable Stop the Multiple Super Ring for the switch
version the protocol version
node-role The node role of ERPS node
ring-port The ring port1 and port2 of the ERPS
rpl The ring Ring Protection Link of the ERPS
control-channel The ring control channel of the ERPS
timer The period of timer
Switch(config)# erps en
enable Start the Multiple Super Ring for the switch
Switch(config)# erps version
1 version 1
default Set default to version 1
Switch(config)# erps version
1 version 1
default Set default to version 1
Switch(config)# erps node-role
rpl-owner ERPS RPL Owner
ring-node ERPS ring node
Switch(config)# erps ring-port
PORT1 The ring port 1
Switch(config)# erps rpl
ring-port Assign ring port as RPL
Switch(config)# erps control-channel
<1-4095> The VLAN ID of control channel, valid range is from
1 to 4094
Switch(config)# erps timer