secondary Secondary peer
Switch(config)# ntp peer primary
IPADDRESS IP address of peer
Switch (config)# ntp peer primary
Time Zone
Switch(config)# clock timezone 60
60 (GMT+08:00) Taipei
By typing clock timezone ?, the timezone list will be
shown for the user selections.
Jumbo Frame
Type the maximum MTU to enable Jumbo Frame:
Switch(config)# system mtu
1518 bytes
2000 bytes
2032 bytes
9712 bytes
Switch(config)# system mtu 9712
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# show system mtu
System MTU size is 9712 bytes
Disable Jumbo Frame
Switch(config)# no system mtu
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# show system mtu
System MTU size is 2000 bytes
DHCP Server/Relay Agent
DHCP Commands
Switch(config)# router dhcp
default-router DHCP Default Router
end Exit current mode and down to previous enable mode
exit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
ip IP protocol
lease DHCP Lease Time
list Print command list
network dhcp network
no remove
quit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
service enable service
DHCP Server Enable Switch(config-dhcp)# service dhcp
DHCP Server Disable Switch(config-dhcp)# no service dhcp
DHCP Server IP Pool
Switch(config-dhcp)# network
A.B.C.D/M network/mask ex.
Switch(config-dhcp)# network
DHCP Server
Default Gateway
Switch(config-dhcp)# default-router
A.B.C.D address
Switch(config-dhcp)# default-router
DHCP Server
lease time
Switch(config-dhcp)# lease
TIME seconds (60~31536000)
Switch(config-dhcp)# lease 1000 (1000 second)
DHCP Server
Switch(config-dhcp)# ip dhcp excluded-address
A.B.C.D IP address