System AuthControl:
To enable or disable the 802.1x authentication.
Authentication Method:
Radius is a authentication server that provide key for
authentication, with this method, user must connect switch to server. If user select Local
for the authentication method, switch use the local user data base which can be create in
this page for authentication.
Radius Server IP:
The IP address of Radius server
Shared Key:
The password for the communication between switch and Radius Server.
Server Port:
UDP port of Radius server.
Accounting Port:
Port for packets that contain the information of account login or logout.
Secondary Radius Server IP:
Secondary Radius Server could be set in case of the
primary radius server down.
Local Radius User:
Here User can add Account/Password for local authentication.
Local Radius User List:
This is a list shows the account information, User also can
remove selected account Here.