Danaher Motion
BASIC Moves Development Studio
M-SS-005-03 Rev
2.2.11. System
The following commands provide information about the system. You can
issue these commands at any time either from task, terminal or the
CONFIG.PRG file (with some exceptions). For detailed information on any of
the system commands (including examples), refer to the
Reference Manual
Returns a comma-separated-list of the axes' names
defined in the system. If wildcards are used, the query
returns the proper axes.
Lists all the breakpoints in the task, loaded to memory.
This query returns a list of the cam table names defined in
the system. If wildcards are used, the query returns the
proper existing cam names.
Lists all files that exist on the RAM disk and on the Flash
disk. The File Specification may contain the * and ?
wildcard characters, in order to refine the list. When
invoked without a parameter, all the files are listed.
Displays the log file containing the last 64 errors that
occurred in the system.
Clears the error log file.
Lists the names of the existing events and their states. If a
task name precedes
, only events belonging to
the specified task are listed.
Lists the names of the groups defined in the system. Each
group name is followed by a list of the axes' names that
are part of that group.
Returns a list of the PLS names defined in the system. If
wildcards are used, the query returns the correct existing
PLS data.
Sets the file password and toggles the password
protection state.
Reset All | Tasks
Reset All
removes all tasks, variables, and system
variables from program memory. All external outputs are
turned off and all drives are disabled.
Reset All
Config.prg, not Autoexec.prg.
Reset All
is only issued
from the terminal.
Reset Tasks
removes all tasks from memory, but leaves
system variables loaded. It deallocates all defined
variables and user programs.
Reset Tasks
does not
disable motors, or reset outputs.
Reset Tasks
is only
issued from the terminal.
Queries or sets the system acceleration exchange rate.
System.AutostartTask Queries or sets the name of the auto-start task. The
default auto-start task is Autoexec.Prg. Assignment of an
empty string prevents auto-start task run.
Returns the average realtime load on the CPU. This is the
average realtime load measured during a 0.5 second
Returns the number of system clock ticks. This is the clock
run by the VxWorks Operating System. One clock tick
corresponds to 1 millisecond.
Returns the type and model of the CPU that was found
during the system’s power-up. Supports only Intel, AMD
and Cyrix processors.
Queries or sets the date. The date is entered as a
character string and must be enclosed between double
quotes ("). The parameters Day, Month, and Year, must
be separated with the / (slash) character.