Danaher Motion
Appendix A
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
rem Axis Set-up Routine Automatically Generated by Project Wizard
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
Sub AxisSetup
If Sercos.Phase = 4 then
A1.enable = off 'make sure axis is disabled
End If
A1.PFac = 65536 'Revolutions
A1.VFac = A1.PFac / 1000 'Revolutions/second
A1.AFac = A1.PFac / 1000 / 1000 'Revolutions/second/second
A1.AMax = 10000
A1.DMax = 10000
A1.Acc = A1.AMax
A1.Dec = A1.DMax
A1.VMax = 100
A1.VOspd = A1.VMax * 1.2
A1.VCruise = 50
A1.PEMax = .01
A1.Displacement = 0
A1.StartType = GCom
A1.Absolute = 1
If Sercos.Phase = 0 then 'can only modify simulated
‘property in phase 0
A1.Simulated = off
End If
If Sercos.Phase = 4 then
A1.enable = on 'reenable axis
End If
End Sub
SERCOS Setup Subroutine
The following example modifies the SERCOSSetup subroutine from the BASIC Moves
auto setup program:
Sub SercosSetup
Rem Setup Axis A1 for Telegram Type 7 with PExt in Cyclic Data
Rem Setup Axis 2 to Slave to Axis 1 PExt
Rem If the ring is up, skip this process
If Sercos.Phase <> 4 Then
Rem Set Sercos.Phase to 0 and set the baud rate
Sercos.Phase = 0
Sercos.Baudrate = 4 ‘for 4 MBaud
Rem Set the drive addresses
A1.DriveAddress = 1
A2.DriveAddress = 2
A1.Simulated = 1
A2.Simulated = 2
Rem Set Sercos.Phase to 2
Sercos.Phase = 2
Continued on next page……….
M-SS-005-03 Rev