Climate category 1K4 according to EN61800-2, IEC 60721-3-2
Storage temperature
- 25...+55°C, max. variation 20K/hr.
rel. humidity 5% - 95%, no condensation
Store only in the manufacturer’s original recyclable packaging
Max. stacking height
see table in chapter "Packaging"
Storage time
Maintenance should be done by qualified personnel only.
The AKMH motor is designed to be maintenance free for normal use. Some compo-
nents however should be inspected time by time.
Once per year:
inspect for wear including shaft grooving, seal drag, and particulate
wear. Replace the seal in case of cuts or perforations. It is recommended that seals
be replaced every 2 years under normal operating conditions.
Once per year
: inspect o-rings for wear including cuts, perforations, and any visible
damage that might compromise the sealing of the joints. In case of damages the
o-rings (flange seal and seal of rear cover) should be replaced. If the o-ring between
flange and motor housing is damaged, the motor must be replaced.
Once per year respectively after 2500 hours of operation:
check the motor for
bearing noise. If any noises are heard, stop the operation of the motor, the bearings
must be replaced (by the manufacturer).
After 20000 hours of normal operation:
replace all bearings after 20,000 hours of
operation under rated conditions (by the manufacturer).
Every three years:
every 3 years of normal operation the o-rings (flange seal and
seal of rear cover) should be replaced.
Opening the motor invalidates the warranty.
Cleaning only by qualified personnel.
Cleaning should take place only when the servo system is de-energized.
Follow IP69K standards for wash-down pressure, temperature, angle, and distance
for spray nozzle.
Follow chemical compatibility guidelines for washdown and cleaning.
Do not use wire brush or friction cleaning methods for the motor and cable surface.
Use wash down (IP69K) and wipe down practices only.
Repair / Disposal
Repair of the motor must be done by the manufacturer. Opening the motor invalidates the
warranty. In accordance to the WEEE-2002/96/EG-Guidelines we take old devices and
accessories back for professional disposal, if the transport costs are taken over by the
sender. Send the devices to:
Pempelfurtstr. 1
D-40880 Ratingen
English - 36
Servomotors AKMH