7.14.11 Functional test
You must test the safe torque off function after initial start of the drive, after each inter-
ference into the wiring of the drive, or after exchange of one or several components of the
drive. Global STO
First Method:
1. Stop drives in the string with setpoint 0 V. Keep drives enabled.
DANGER: Do not enter hazardous area!
2. Activate the global STO function for example by opening protective screen of the string,
where the drives are connected (voltage at AKD-C X16/6 or X16/8 0V).
3. The AKD-C fault contact opens, the corresponding string STO-Status message (X16/1 or
X16/2) changes the voltage level, the drives lose torque and slow down to zero speed
without control.
Second Method:
1. Stop all drives in the string with setpoint 0 V, disable the string.
2. Activate the global STO function, for example, by opening protective screen (voltage at
AKD-C X16/6 or X16/8 0V)
3. The corresponding string STO-Status message (X16/1 or X16/2) changes the voltage
level, the string cannot be enabled. Local STO
First Method:
1. Stop the drive with setpoint 0 V. Keep drive enabled.
DANGER: Do not enter hazardous area!
2. Activate the local STO function for example by opening protective screen of the drive,
(voltage at AKD-N X6/1 0V).
3. The drive lose toque and slows down to zero speed without control.
Second Method:
1. Stop the drive with setpoint 0 V, disable drive.
2. Activate the STO function, for example, by opening protective screen (voltage at AKD-N
X6/1 0V)
3. The drive cannot be enabled.
AKD-N Installation | 7 Technical description and data
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | February 2018