Switch-off behavior in the event of a fault
The behavior of the drive always depends on the fault type and the setting of a number of dif-
ferent parameters (DRV.DISMODE, VBUS.UVFTHRESH, CS.VTHRESH, and others; see
WorkBench Online Help
for more details).See the
Drive Fault and Warning Messages
and Remedies
section of the
WorkBench Online Help
for a table describing the specific beha-
vior of each fault. The follwing pages show examples for the possible fault behaviors.
Switch-off behavior for faults that cause an immediate power stage disable
This is a category 0 stop according to IEC 60204.
If velocity drops below threshold
or timeout occurs the motor holding brake is
applied. Set parameter MOTOR.BRAKEIMM to 1 with vertical axes, to apply the motor hold-
ing brake immediately after faults.
AKD-N Installation | 7 Technical description and data
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | February 2018