Object snap
—If the plan lines are going to be drawn manually, such as the border of a complex
area, and the most of reference points should be considered, choose this function to make the
plan lines.
Fig.3-65 Object snap
Object snap mode
—The object snap mode includes endpoint, midpoint, perpendicular and
Fig.3-66 Object snap mode
Endpoint: Capture the node of the element.
Midpoint: Capture the central point of the element.
Perpendicular: Capture the points perpendicular to an existing element.
Nearest: Capture the points of the mouse to an existing element.
Speed unit
—This is the unit for the speed of ship, there are Kn, Km/h and m/s for option. Choose
one of the units, the speed would display on the navigation info window with the corresponding
Fig.3-67 Speed unit
Display mode
—The software has normal and night mode for the display mode.
Fig.3-68 Display mode
Night mode setting
—As long as night mode is selected, this option would be activated, then
click on this option to set the brightness for the screen.