The shortcuts include Open file, Parameter, HF survey, LF survey, Start/Stop, Mark, Record,
Register, Deep and Shallow.
Depth graphic display interface
The depth graphic according to the echo is displaying on this window, and the depth measured
by high frequency waves would be display intuitively.
Enforcement intervention
The enforcement intervention operation is mainly used in some tough environments, then adjust
the transmitting power of pulse according to the different environment.
The ruler can indicate the depth value from the reflected waves, and the scale of which can be
zoomed in and out.
Transmitting pulse signal
The long and narrow window at the right side is for the transmitting pulse signal strength
transmitted by the transducer.
Restraining depth line
There is a red line under the transmitting pulse signal, it is for eliminating the aftereffects of
transmitting pulse.
Echo signal
Echo pulse waveform indication, and the signal amplitude. The echo can reflect the depth.