Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Kodak Digital Science
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT
WINDOWS and MACINTOSH (Calibration Utility) allows you to bring
your printing system to the best possible color response.
Kodak thermal dye diffusion printing systems are composed of printers
and printer media (thermal ribbon and paper or transparency material).
Normal variability in the manufacturing processes of printers and media
may cause slight variations in light gray (low density) areas of prints.
The human visual system is sensitive to color changes in low density
areas on prints and you may occasionally want to adjust your printer
output to match viewing conditions.
The Calibration Utility allows you to select export and import modules,
open and save calibration tables, enter measurement information from
a test print, and calculate a new calibration table. The calibration test
prints are key to the Calibration Utility. The new calibration table allows
you to adjust the levels of cyan, magenta, and yellow dye to create a
neutral gray with the correct density.
What’s in this Guide
This guide consists of the following chapters:
Introduction—describes the calibration prints and the recommended
process for using the Calibration Utility.
Chapter 1: Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS—describes
how to use the Calibration Utility on WINDOWS systems.
Chapter 2: Calibration Utility for MACINTOSH—describes how to
use the Calibration Utility on a MACINTOSH system.
Appendix A: Kodak XLS 8600 and Kodak DS 8650 Printers—describes
the printer ribbon media choices for these printers and gives instructions
for downloading new calibration tables for your printer.
Index—a comprehensive index is included.