Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
The selected import module opens a dialog box when you click on the
Import button in the Densitometer — Input Test Print Values dialog box.
For the Kodak File Reader, the following dialog box appears when you
click on the
Import button.
End of Field Character—specify the end-of-field character used in
your densitometer file: “space,” “comma,” “tab,” “CR” (carriage return),
“CR-LF” (carriage return/line feed), “LF” (line feed), and “Semi-colon.”
End of Record Character—specify the end-of-record character used
in your densitometer file: “space,” “comma,” “tab,” “CR” (carriage return),
“CR-LF” (carriage return/line feed), “LF” (line feed), and “Semi-colon.”
Open button allows you to find and import the densitometer
file with the values you want to use in the Input Test Print Values
dialog box.