Serial interface
If the meter is connected to a PC and measurements are
taken in a grounded liquid, measuring errors may result.
With the remote interface, you can directly send data to a
printer with serial port or set up a direct connection to a
personal computer. Via the computer, the meter can be com-
pletely remote controlled and all data and parameters can be
read. Using the printer (e.g. printer ZU 0244), you can directly
print measured values, the memory and records.
The RS 232 interface can be defined for all common baud
Setting is carried out in the Configuration menu
• Baud rate:
600 Bd
1,200 Bd
2,400 Bd
4,800 Bd (default setting)
9,600 Bd
The data format and protocol are permanently set to:
• 7 bits
• even parity
• one stop bit
• XON/XOFF protocol
For the command set of the Portamess® 913 (X) Cond, refer to
the online help of the Paraly® transfer software.