Novar 1xxx
KMB systems
alarm thresholds: undervoltage,
overvoltage, THDI, THDU, CHL,
number of connections and
Ranges and units as in Table 4.7
not displayed if the alarm not set up
40 alarm instantaneous condition
Indicates current state of alarm.
43 section connection time (in
thousands of hours)
display range 0.001 to 130
44 number of section connections
(in thousands)
display range 0.001 to 9999
45 instrument failure condition
46 instantaneous condition of
control time
time until next control intervention in
50 instrument address
1 ÷ 255
irrelevant for Ethernet interface
51 communication rate
4800 – 9600 –
19200 Bd
52 communication protocol
KMB(P0) /
55 power system frequency
A (auto) – 50 Hz –
60 Hz
A (auto)
56 average value evaluation moving
window size
1 minute ÷ 7 days
7 days
applies to average values of Acos, APac,
57 minimum and maximum value
evaluation moving window size
1 minutes ÷ 7
15 minutes
applies to these minimum and maximum
values: mincos, maxPac, maxPre,
58 Celsius/Fahrenheit temperature
display mode
°C – °F
59 cooling enable threshold
+10 ÷ +60 °C
1 °C
+40 °C
not displayed if cooling output not
60 heating enable threshold
-30 ÷ +10 °C
1 °C
-5 °C
not displayed if heating output not
63 offset control
0 (no) - 1 (yes)
The control bandwidth can be increased to 0.040 or decreased to 0.000. Control bandwidth increase
may especially be useful in systems with large control range – avoiding uselessly precise control on
high loads reduces the number of control interventions which results in longer contactor service life. If
the parameter values is decreased to 0, the control bandwidth corresponds to value C/k
not widening).
Note: On low loads, the control bandwidth is “bent” (zone A) to prevent undesired overcompensation
(the illustration is a simplification).
If the target power factor (parameter 01/07) is specified in degrees as phase shift angle, the bandwidth
on high loads is also displayed in degrees.
4.1.6 Parameter 05/11 – Offset Power
These parameters are meaningful when
offset control
is activated only (see parameter 63). Unless
this control mode is active, they do not appear.
The parameters specify
nominal value of the offset (three-phase) reactive power
for metering rate 1
(parameter 05), respectively for metering rate 2 (parameter 11). Like the section powers in parameter
25, their values in kvars correspond to nominal three-phase power (i.e. at voltage corresponding to the
preset compensation system nominal voltage U
in parameter 18 ). The actual value of the offset
power is, as well as for capacitor and choke powers, dependent on the actual network voltage.
The value is entered in the same manner as compensation section powers – capacitive offset power
as positive and inductive offset power as negative.
Summary of Contents for NOVAR-1 Series
Page 66: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 66 Novar1106 installation...
Page 67: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 67 Novar1114 installation...
Page 68: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 68 Novar1206 installation low voltage measurement...
Page 69: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 69 Novar1214 installation high voltage measurement...
Page 70: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 70 Novar1114 S400 installation...
Page 73: ...Novar 1xxx KMB systems 73 Novar1414 installation low voltage measurement...